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  PICTURE           Comments on 5.01's PICTURE clause.

  Clipper Version  1.29 dtd 04/15/91.

  Problem Statement

  1) The PICTURE clause will not increase a variable's length.

        cVar := ""
        @ row, col get cVar PICTURE "!!!!!"   // Does not work.

  2) The PICTURE format function, "@Z #" does not perform per S'87.
     Assuming the get variable is zero, the active get will display 0.
     Note: Clipper 5.01 documentation has been changed.

  3) The GET PICTURE format function, "@S<n>" performs differently
     than S'87; i.e., large values of <n> will not wrap to the next
     line(s). Clipper 5.01 documentation reflects this change.

  4) The PICTURE format function "@( " does not work correctly with
     commas in the picture clause; e.g., try entering -100 below:
       LOCAL x:= -10, Getlist := {}
       @ 10, 10 SAY "Enter" GET x PICTURE "@( 99,999"

  5) The PICTURE format function "@R " may not work correctly with
     character strings; e.g.:
       LOCAL x:= "213", Getlist := {}
       @ 10, 10 SAY "Enter" GET x PICTURE "@R (999)"

     Note: numerical vars are formatted correctly.

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